Thursday 30 June 2011

the inspiration

This hundred days project was inspired by previous hundred days projects. I first read about the idea in the local newspaper, where a story was written about these people in New Zealand who had heard about these people in the USA, were inspired, and decided to give it a go themselves. Ely Kim, dancing one hundred dances every day for one hundred days has to be among my favourites. Here he is.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

first 20 days

days 1-4
days 5-8
days 9-12

days 13-16

days 17-20

The first 20 days of 100 drawings of David. Leads to deep thoughts on David's psyche - and mine. Who is this man? What do the pictures say about him? What do they say about the person doing the drawing? Why does he look so different/the same in every picture? What does it all MEAN?